Feel Good About Yourself
Scientists are learning more and more every day about the link between your mind and your health. Stress, depression, and anger have all been shown to pave the way to illness and disease. On the other hand, if you feel good about yourself, have a positive outlook, and maintain an active involvement in life, you are more likely to be happy – and healthy.
Many things – genetics, environment, the food you ear, illness, sleep, even the seasons – influence your emotional state. But at the heart of it is how you regard yourself. If you have a healthy level of self-esteem, you not only cope with life’s challenges better than people with low self-esteem, but you are probably also more content, confident, and successful. You are probably also healthier. Studies show that positive self-esteem actually helps inoculate people against depression and anxiety, conditions that may pose increased risk of everything from colds to osteoporosis to heart disease (and even cancer).
If you find your self-esteem eroding a bit, there are plenty of ways to build it back up again.
Reframe your identity
Redefine what you base your sense of self-worth on. Instead of “sales manager,” “stock market analyst,” or “mom,” start thinking of yourself as “community organizer,” “literacy volunteer,” “great cook,” “gifted gardener,” and more.
Talk back to your inner critic
Become conscious of how hard you are being on yourself, and counter a negative attitude with some positive self-talk.
Let yourself off the hook
As the saying goes, it’s better to try something and fail than to be successful at not trying anything. Focus on goals that are linked to activities you are really interested in so you will enjoy a sense of purpose and derive pleasure from the pursuit whether or not you achieve your goal in full.
Take time for yourself
Read a book, keep a journal, or go for a swim. This is especially important for women, who are often so busy nurturing others that they neglect their own needs and interests.